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The history of wine in Mallorca begins with the Romans and develops through the centuries, despite a period of decline during the Islamic domination. After the Christian reconquest, viticulture revived, and during the Middle Ages, Mallorcan wine flourished until it reached a golden age of export, especially to Mediterranean countries and America. Native varieties such as Manto Negro and Callet, together with other imported varieties that adapted well to the climate and soil, developed during this period.

The 19th century brought with it phylloxera, a plague that devastated much of Europe’s vineyards, and Mallorca was no exception. This disaster had a lasting effect on the island’s wine industry, which took decades to recover.

The renaissance of Mallorcan wine in the twentieth century marked a shift towards quality and innovation, with a focus on native varieties and modern techniques. Today, Mallorca is known for its wines with Designation of Origin and has achieved a balance between modernity and tradition, which has positioned its wines in international recognition and enriched the wine tourism offer of the island.

Manto Negro, Callet, Fogoneu, Gorgollasa, Prensal Blanc and Giró Ros are some of these varieties that bring unique characteristics to the wines of Mallorca.

The history of wine in Mallorca is closely linked to its indigenous varieties, true oenological treasures that have survived challenges such as phylloxera and have been rescued and enhanced in the island’s wine renaissance. Manto Negro, Callet, Fogoneu, Gorgollasa, Prensal Blanc and Giró Ros are some of these varieties that bring unique characteristics to the wines of Mallorca.

The Manto Negro stands out for wines of good alcohol content with fruity and floral aromas, while the Callet, a survivor of phylloxera, produces wines of low alcohol content and peculiar aroma. The Fogoneu brings elegance and combines well with foreign varieties, and the Gorgollasa, almost extinct in the past, offers light and fruity wines. The Prensal Blanc, or Moll, creates structured and pleasant wines, and the Giró Ros, almost forgotten and now recovered, gives rise to wines of high quality and alcohol content.

Mallorcan wine, marked by tradition and innovation, has achieved a balance that has positioned it in international recognition, with wines that reflect the identity of the island and a wine tourism offer that attracts enthusiasts from all over the world.



Pla de Mallorca, Llevant



The Majorcan wine is wrapped in traditions and peculiar practices that speak of its rich winemaking history.

It is documented that, as early as the fifth century, Majorcan wines were sent to Rome and it is said that they were given as gifts to the emperors, reflecting their prestige in antiquity.

Although the phylloxera plague seriously affected European grapevines in the 19th century, some Majorcan native varieties resisted, allowing the island to maintain an almost unique winegrowing heritage.

Inspired by the island nature, Majorcan wineries have explored the aging of wines under the Mediterranean Sea, which contributes special characteristics to the aging and taste of the wine.

The vintage is celebrated in a big way in Mallorca with the Festa des Vermar in Binissalem, where traditions such as the battle of grapes and the treading of the grapes become a show for locals and visitors.

Until not so long ago, it was common for Majorcan wineries to announce the sale of new wine by placing a green pine branch over their door. As the branch dried, it indicated that the wine inside was also in the process of maturing, a traditional practice that connected the passage of time with the aging of the wine.

The enotourism on the island invites you to discover ancient wineries and vineyards overlooking the imposing Sierra de Tramuntana, a combination of history and natural beauty.



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